Puss In Boots: The Last Wish – How to live a life

Who is your favorite fearless hero? My heroes are not fearless. And rightfully so. Being fearless comes at a cost, so does being too frightened. But if you are just the right amount of fearless and also feared, then you will be able to fend off carelessness. Puss in Boots: The Last Wish tells a… Continue reading Puss In Boots: The Last Wish – How to live a life

Luck (2022) animated movie review—Absolutely bland.

I think they made this movie for kids, but even then, I have seen a lot better children’s animated movies that are significantly better. This movie felt like a badly dubbed YouTube kids video. I started watching it, and I felt the minimal effort put into the whole film, in the first few minutes. Animation… Continue reading Luck (2022) animated movie review—Absolutely bland.